Pregnancy is a time when a woman takes great care of her health. Oral health should definitely be a part of that care. Pregnancy and teeth are always big issues with pregnant women. We all know the stories about how teeth get decayed during pregnancy. Which of these stories is true and how does every pregnant woman need to take care of her teeth?

Pregnancy and teeth

Do teeth really become decayed during pregnancy?

The story that teeth become decayed during pregnancy because the baby deprives them of calcium is not true. When your body needs larger amounts of calcium, it is pulled from the bones, not the tooth. Teeth in pregnancy can also be at risk for other reasons, such as hormonal imbalance and poor oral hygiene. Due to the hormonal status of a pregnant woman, the gums are often enlarged, reddened, and bleed easily when brushing the teeth. Enlarged and swollen gums cover the teeth and make them difficult to clean. This leads to an accumulation of plaque and even worse inflammation.

This phenomenon is called gravid gingivitis (inflammation of the gums), and if it is treated in time, it has no consequences for teeth and gums. The dentist will clean your teeth thoroughly to reduce this inflammation. After birth, hormones normalize and gums recover very quickly. If this condition is not treated, gingivitis can develop into periodontitis. This is a serious problem and can lead to the loss of teeth.

Pregnancy and teeth


How can you take care of your teeth during pregnancy?

It would be ideal if the woman had healthy teeth before pregnancy. During pregnancy itself, you should visit a dentist at least once. It is very important to maintain good dental hygiene. Pregnant women often have a craving for snacking, mostly sweets. That is why they complain about the health of their teeth after giving birth.

It is recommended to rinse your mouth with water after every meal and brush your teeth after half an hour. If you feel nauseous while brushing your teeth, try to buy a toothbrush with a small head or change the toothpaste. Pregnant women, as well as all patients, are advised to avoid all harmful habits and thus avoid the everyday little things that endanger the teeth.

Is a dental procedure safe during pregnancy?

During the first three months, you should avoid dental procedures unless they are emergencies. During this time, pregnant women should be educated on how to properly take care of their dental hygiene.

The second trimester is the safest as far as dental procedures are concerned. During this period, all the problems that pregnant women have must be solved. Do not postpone the treatment until after the delivery.

In the third trimester, if necessary, a dental procedure can be performed. The procedure must be short and as painless as possible. Pain stimulates adrenaline levels, which can lead to premature birth. In any case, the doctor should be involved in all decisions together with the dentist.

Is it safe to have an X-ray during pregnancy?

Pregnancy and dental problems often do not go well together. Although today’s dental x-ray machines are designed to emit minimal radiation, you should avoid x-rays, especially during the first three months. Later, it is possible to take x-rays only when necessary, and with good protection.

After giving birth, women are busy taking care of the baby for the first few months. This is normal, but it also leads to neglect of self-care. Take time to visit the dentist in the first few months after birth. Devote some time to yourself. You will feel good because it is always good to know that your teeth are healthy and you do not have to worry.

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