The fistula above the tooth gums represents a serious dental issue that requires attention and prompt action. This condition often arises due to an infection spreading from the tooth root to the surrounding tissues, resulting in the formation of a small bump above the gums. This symptom may be associated with various dental complications such as abscesses or granulomas.
How does a fistula develop?
The most common cause is an infection spreading from the tooth root to the surrounding tissue. This can be a consequence of an untreated or inadequately treated nerve. The fistula acts as a pathway through which the infection from the central part of the bone reaches the surface of the gums. This occurrence actually protects the body from the development of significant swelling. Often, a small amount of pus can be seen coming out of the fistula, which resembles a pimple. Without the formation of the fistula, this pus would accumulate within the tissues, leading to swelling.
Despite preventing significant swelling, the presence of a fistula should not be ignored. It indicates the presence of an infection in the bone, and appropriate steps must be taken to address and resolve the infection. The fistula is considered a focus that can impact the overall health of the body.
How is a fistula treated?
The first step is to perform an X-ray of the tooth to determine the cause of the fistula. Based on the examination and analysis of the X-ray, the dentist can identify which tooth is problematic and how to address the issue.
Treatment of the tooth, specifically cleaning the root canal, is the initial approach. This method may be conducted independently or combined with a surgical intervention involving the removal of diseased tissue around the tip of the tooth root. This minimal surgical intervention allows for the preservation of the tooth. The last resort for treating a fistula is tooth extraction, which is only considered when tissue destruction is so extensive that saving the tooth is not possible.
A fistula above the tooth is a serious situation that requires the attention and care of a professional. Early recognition of symptoms and timely visits to the dentist play a crucial role in successful treatment. Maintaining oral health through regular dental check-ups and hygiene practices can significantly reduce the risk of such complications. Do not ignore symptoms; consult a dentist to ensure the long-term health of your teeth and gums.